DISCLAIMER: Any listed Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals deadline is only for items that have been approved at the staff level to appear on the applicable agenda. Please ensure you have your request submitted well in advance of the deadline date to ensure staff has time to review and approve the request. Time needed to review an application submittal can vary do to the nature of the request and the required number of days needed for legal notice. Once staff has reviewed the application and determined it meets all technical requirements and can meet all public notice requirements, it will be considered approved to appear on the agenda. Once it has been approved to appear on the agenda, it will be heard at the next applicable meeting based upon the posted deadline date. Please be aware that we are required to place such notices in a locally printed newspaper. Recent changes to our local newspaper, which include reduced circulation days and additional days of request to print, has impacted our ability to ensure ads meet the statutory requirements
Florence County Board of Zoning Appeals meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of the month at the Florence County Complex, 180 N. Irby Street, Room 803 at 6:00 PM. The public is welcome to attend live, or the meeting
can be watched on our live stream below.
Recordings of the meetings are aired on Spectrum Channel 1301 (Francis Marion Public Access) on Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM, Thursday at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM, and Friday at 9:00 AM.